You are drinking clean beer!

There is nothing better than sitting at a bar, watching a game, and enjoying a cold pint of beer. However, not many people know the importance of cleaning draft lines. It is essential to maintain the quality of beer, prevent bacterial growth, and ensure patrons taste only what the brewer intended. Please note that all the info below is also pertinent to serve wine, cider, cocktails, kombucha or coffee via a draft beverage system. 

What are Draft Beer Lines?

Draft beer lines are hosing that connect the keg to the faucet. The beer flows through these lines and comes out of the faucet, and into the glass. The lines are made of different materials such as PVC, polyethylene, and stainless steel. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, but the most important factor is how well the lines are cleaned.

Maintain Quality of Product

Beer is a perishable product, and can deteriorate quickly if not stored and served correctly. Draft beer lines can become contaminated with yeast, bacteria, and other organic matter, affecting the quality and taste of the beer. The build-up of organic matter can also cause foaming, flat beer, and off flavors. Regular cleaning of draft beer lines removes the buildup and keeps the beer fresh, ensuring drinkers receive a quality product.

Prevent Bacterial Growth

Draft beer lines provide an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments, and beer lines provide just that. Bacteria can cause serious health problems, especially for those with weakened immune systems. Cleaning draft beer lines removes bacteria and prevents their growth, reducing the risk of infections.

How Often Should Lines Be Cleaned?

The frequency of cleaning draft beer lines depends on several factors, including the type of beer, length of the lines and several other factors. The Brewers Association, see more here, recommends cleaning beer lines every two weeks. This should include breaking down and cleaning of all faucets & scrubbing the exterior of all couplers. 

How To Clean Draft Beverage Lines

Cleaning draft beer lines involves several steps, including disassembling the faucet, cleaning the lines with a cleaning solution, and flushing the lines with water. It is essential to follow manufacturer’s instructions and use the correct cleaning solution for the type of lines. Cleaning solutions should be food-grade, non-toxic, and approved by the relevant authorities.


Does Your Beer Taste Weird ?

We all have drank a beer that just didn’t quite taste right, but we likely attributed that to the type of beer, or the brewery who made it. However, this is likely not the cause. Dirty draft lines impart a negative flavor into beer which often comes across as popcorn butter flavor mixed with a bit of vinegar. You may perceive it as dirty socks, or feet. The flavors imparted by dirty draft systems aren’t nice and as a customer you shouldn’t have to endure this. So next time you role into your favorite beer bar or brewery, do not hesitate to talk with the bartender and #askafterdraft!


PPS strongly believes that draft beer is best! However, proper system mainatenance and cleaning are integral for the best product getting into your pint glass. We are working hard to educate not only those behind the bar but those who belly up to the bar. Let us know below you appreciate clean beer lines and enter for a chance to win* a free beer from one of our premium cleaning partners!

*monthly drawing. Winner will receive a $50 gift certificate from one of our premium cleaning clients. Certain menu items may not be eligible for purchase with GC